A Candle Warmer Warmed My Grinchy Heart

A room fills with glow.
Candle warmer burning bright.
A scent sets the tone.

A Review of luzdiosa Candle Warmer Lamp
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I love this stinkin’ candle warmer. I work from home and it has become a lovely little ritual to my day. I go into my home office and the soft, warm glow of the candle warmer slowly melts my chosen Candle of the Day. It helps my candles last weeks and weeks (maybe months, testing continues) longer than burning them, which means I can justify that $45 candle. It warms the candle from the top so wax melts evenly across the surface: you won’t get a bunch of excess wax on the sides and it distributes more scent because it’s more surface area. I also appreciate that it’s charming to look at. There’s a more industrial version, if that’s more your vibe. Oh and it’s DIMMABLE.

Imagine a rainy day; you put on that LoFi girl YouTube playlist, turn this puppy on, and settle in at your computer. Now that’s a good day.

There is a con I need to warn you about. I wouldn’t recommend switching between burning a candle and warming a candle, because sometimes the warmed wax can bury the burned wick. Warming a candle for weeks and then deciding to burn it wouldn’t be an issue. It’s like “Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear. Beer before liquor, never sicker.” In this overwrought metaphor, candle warmer is liquor, burning is beer. Since burning a candle sometimes leaves unmelted wax on the edges, when that wax melts with the warmer it can bury the wick. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I will confidently say this candle warmer is the purchase that has brought me the most delight in 2023. I don’t say this lightly!


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